Psychometrics på testkonferens. Idag startar en av världens största konferenser avseende psykologiska test

The 8th Conference of the International Test Commission will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3-5 July 2012. The conference will be held at the Royal Tropical Institute (Koninklijk Instituut van de Tropen) in Amsterdam.

What is the International Test Commission?
The International Test Commission (ITC) is an “Association of national psychological associations, test commissions, publishers and other organizations committed to promoting effective testing and assessment policies and to the proper development, evaluation and uses of educational and psychological instruments.” (ITC Directory, 2001). The International Test Commission (ITC) facilitates the exchange of information among members and stimulates their cooperation on problems related to the construction, distribution, and use of psychological tests and other psychodiagnostic tools. To achieve these goals the ITC organizes international meetings and discussions, promotes the publication of relevant information by means of its own and other scientific outlets, and stimulates international cooperation on research projects relevant to a scientifically and ethically sound use of tests.

More information
For more information about the conference,

Jag kommer rapportera om det dyker upp något intressant.

Anders Sjöberg

Publicerat av Anders Sjöberg

Anders Sjöberg är docent i psykologi och har lång erfarenhet av bedömningsmetoder in arbetslivet. Anders har utvecklat psykologiska bedömningssystem som används av både privata och offentliga organisationer. Anders har publicerat böcker och vetenskapliga artiklar inom organisationspsykologi och psykologisk metodutveckling.

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